Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bath time!

Last night was D's (The Daddy) turn to bathe the boy, C. C enters the bathroom and says "Bye Daddy", meaning he wants me, M (The Mommy) to give the bath. Mommy must holler less! Tonight though, it's D's turn and even though C wants me, he has to know that we are the parents and we make the decision. So C looks me square in the eyes (what was that about autism equaling no eye contact?) and says "Mommy, yes please. I promise" Okay so now I see that he gets what I promise sort of means. He knows that I am the one who says that and I am the one who follows up a promise. So he is hoping that by making this statement I'll run into the bathroom because two weeks ago I may have said this. However, tonight I'm thinking clearly and I respond "I'll give you a bath tomorrow night. I promise!"

With that, he turns his little tush towards the bathroom and says Hi to D. It feels good when I am smarter than the four year old. I also threw in a promise that D wouldn't yell tonight (Man I am ON IT tonight!) So it's a yell free bath and C comes out and says "Hi Mommy" just like it's been all day since he's seen me.

Love love love that cute little boy!

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